原型 Prototypes

這是用其他天然染料植物染色的雷射染的結果。 附註表示了參與染色過成的染料,名稱按染色順序排列。這些順序之所以重要是因為各種染料的PH性質會造成染料彼此的漂白作用。
Here are results of the laser dye pieces dyed with other natural dye plants. The captions indicates the natural dye participated in the process, names in dyeing order. The dyeing order matters due to the PH property of each dyes may cause the bleaching to each other.

雷射光源和控制板Laser source and control boards

以下展示了雷射控制板原型。 我不使用 ILDA,所以我找到了一種方法來跳過 ILDA 並通過純模擬音頻信號驅動雷射圖形。 下面是我為電壓偏移製作的一些簡單的電壓放大器,和參與雷射染顯影所使用的405nm 雷射光源。
Here are some demostration of the prototypings of the laser board controls. I don’t use ILDA, so I found a way to skip the ILDA and drive the laser graphic by pure analog audio signals. Here are some simple opamp boards I made for voltage shifting and the 405nm laser source participated in the exposure process. 

草酸鐵鉀裝置 Ferryoxalte installation

在展覽製作中,我發現這些由 Mike Ware 發明的 New Cyanotype 配方中遺留下來的綠色晶體在製作美麗雕塑的潛力方面非常有趣。 我曾嘗試在培養皿和天然纖維(比如像是苧麻)中形成它,最終我們在展覽中製作了一塊直徑 3 米的大水晶盤子。 晶體可以通過一些適當的程序用溫水融化,重新用作光敏劑。
In the production of the exhibition I found these crystals leftover from the New Cyanotype formula invented by Mike Ware very intereting in its potential to make beautiful sculpture. I have tried to form it in the petri-dish and natural fiber, such as ramie, eventually we made a big plate of crystal in the exhibition 3 meters in diameter. The crystal can be reused as photosensitizer by melting it with warm water with some proper procedures.