
台北南海藝廊 2010

2304+1 是人機結合的即興表演。 移動鋼琴由 48 個放置在傳統鋼琴白鍵上的螺線管和一個照相機組成。 通過將攝影機的畫幀差異轉換為馬達運動,機器能夠將舞者的動作轉換為隨機鋼琴音符,以及從 Ableton Live 接收 midi 以創建由機器噪音和原聲鋼琴聲音製成的節奏。 該項目探索自動裝置如何在人類即興表演中發揮作用。

Choreographer: Chih Hsin Lee
Arduino, solenoid, projection, camera detection
Nanhai Gallery Taipei, 2010

2304+1 is an improvise performance made by human and machine. A mobile pianola is composed by 48 solenoids which are placed on white keys of conventional piano and one camera. By converting the frame difference to solenoid movement, the machine is able to convert dancers movements into random piano notes, as well as receiving midi from Ableton Live to create grooves made of machine noise and acoustic piano sound. This project explores how the automatics can play a part in a improvise performance with human.