家計劃 Heritage.Om.Earthship


用於創作和生產的新運算技術提供了值得探索的美學和創造性可能性,特別是在與傳統工藝(紡織品、手工藝)的對話中。 在這個項目中,"家"或"家譜"的概念被作為一個共同點,從其不同的含義中進行自由的創造性解釋和探索:作為我們生活的地方(房子),作為社會交往的文本(憲法 ),作為我們頭頂的天空(天文數據),等等。H.Om.E 計畫旨在建立南美洲和亞洲文化之間的橋樑,探索科技與傳統、方法論和規模之間相遇的潛力:從地方傳統到全球數位文化;從手工藝到電腦生成的藝術品等等 。來自智利、台灣和日本的藝術家將開發不同類型的作品;紡織品中的數據物理化;參數和生成設計的數據;基於法律文本的視覺圖案創作;以及其他探索。本文試圖簡要介紹 H.Om.E 專案、使用的主要概念、方法、複雜性和過程中的問題,並關注在與傳統和手工藝的接觸中對運算和技術中介工具可能性的自由探索。 此外,也對該專案的現階段、下一步工作和可能取得的成果進行了說明。

H.Om.E Project: An intercultural dialog between Computers and traditions around the concepts of Home

New computational technologies for creation and production offer interesting aesthetic and creative possibilities to be explored, particularly in its respectful dialogue with traditional crafts (textiles, crafts). For this project, the concept of "home" or “genealogy” is taken as a common ground, for free creative interpretation and exploration, from on its different meanings: as a place where we live (house), as a text for social interactions (constitutions), as the sky over us (astronomical data), among others. H.Om.E project aims to create bridges between cultures from South America and Asia, exploring the potential of the encounter between technologies and traditions, methodologies, and scales: from local traditions to global digital culture; from handcraft to computer-generated artwork; among others. Artists from Chile, Taiwan, and Japan will develop different kinds of pieces; data physicalization in textiles; data for parametric and generative design; and visual pattern creation based on legal texts; among other explorations. This paper seeks to briefly describe the H.Om.E Project, the main concepts used, its methods, complexities, and troubles of the process, with attention to the free exploration of the possibilities of computational and technologically mediated tools in its encounter with traditions and crafts. Also, some description of the current stage, next steps, and possible outcomes of the project are commented on.