太陽能駐村研究計劃 2023
Solar Research Residency 2023 

︎駐村維基紀錄連結 Residency documentation︎

這個以研究 DIY 染料敏化太陽能電池紡織品為導向的獨立組織駐村計畫由幾個部分組成,主要地點位於日本和瑞士,總時長約為 3 個月。 初步階段在 Bioclub Tokyo 的 Fabcafe Tokyo 進行,而第二部分則在蘇黎世的 Hackteria 開源生物藝術平台舉行,並間接得到了由 Regenerative Energy Community (REC)組織的 「ENERGY GIVEAWAY AT THE HUMANPUNK LIBRARY」 展覽的支持。

駐村研究圍繞著如何透過 DIY 製造的感光太陽能電池薄膜或紡織品。此外還有一小部分涉及奈米銀線的初步研究和合成方法。奈米銀線這是在室溫下製造透明和柔韌導電基板的重要材料。駐村研究活動的最終結果在上面的維基連結中有詳細記錄,主要包含了七個關注方向,但進一步的實驗仍然是必要的:

  1. 番石榴種子合成的銀奈米線

  2. 使用 RISO PRINT GOCCO LAMP 燒結銀奈米線

  3. 低溫燒結的 TiO2 奈米多孔層

  4. 光子學和 CMOS(正在進行中)

  5. 奈米銀線導電薄塗層(正在進行中)

  6. 礦物纖維製的染料敏化太陽能織品中的光電極

  7. 染料敏化電池雷射聲響裝置與 Neutone

    特別感謝: Hackteria Opensource Biological Arts Platform, Regenerative Energy Community, Fabcafe Tokyo, Fabcafe Fuji.

This self-organized residency program, focused on DIY dye-sensitized solar cell textiles, is comprised of several components primarily located in Japan and Switzerland, spanning a total duration of three months. The initial phase unfolded at Bioclub Tokyo within Fabcafe Tokyo, while the subsequent segment transpired at the Hackteria Open Source Biological Arts Platform in Zurich, indirectly receiving support from the exhibition "Energy Giveaway at The Humuspunk Library," orchestrated by the Regenerative Energy Community (REC).

The residency research centers on the production of flexible, functional dye-sensitized solar cell films or textiles through a DIY protocol. Additionally, a minor aspect involves preliminary experiments with silver nanowires and the synthesis method of it. A crucial material for crafting transparent and flexible conductive substrates at room temperature. The conclusive outcomes of the residency experiments are detailed in the provided wiki link, encompassing seven primary focuses. Further experiments are deemed necessary and include:

  1. Guava seeds synthesized silver nanowires

  2. RISO PRINT GOCCO LAMP sintered silver nanowires

  3. Low-temperature sintered TiO2 porous layer

  4. Photonics and CMOS (ongoing)

  5. Conductive thin coating made of AgNWs (ongoing)

  6. Mineral fiber-based TiO2 photo-electrode in DSSC

  7. DSSC Laser sonic art with Neutone

Ackowledgement: Hackteria Opensource Biological Arts Platform, Regenerative Energy Community, Fabcafe Tokyo, Fabcafe Fuji.

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