Manufacturing of Large Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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染料敏化太陽能電池是一種易於製造且便宜的光伏裝置,可在家庭工作室製作,其二氧化鈦層的圖案以及顏色能被高度訂制,且具有透明性,因此有高度的藝術性。相對於一般體積都偏小的市面既有的商用產品,本實驗紀錄了由家庭電窯製作的 30 x 60 公分的原型製作步驟,其中化學漿料、染料、電解液皆為購自 Great Cells Solar 的現成產品,製程多採用常規的製備流程。本實驗比較關鍵的部份是在於大型玻璃的燒烤溫度的控制、FTO 玻璃的垂直導通串聯的設計,以及成品的可持續性紀錄。染料敏化太陽能電池在效率上不如鈣態礦太陽能電池,因此商業市場相對較小,但是在光伏農業以及感光藝術領域上仍是相當有趣的技術。

Dye-sensitized solar cells are easy-to-manufacture and cheap photovoltaic devices that can be fabricated in a home studio, with highly customizable patterns and colors of titanium dioxide layers, and are highly artistic due to their transparency. Compared with the existing commercial products on the market, which are generally small in size, this experiment records the production steps of a 30 x 60 cm prototype made by a household electric kiln, in which the chemical paste, dye, and electrolyte are all purchased from Great Cells Solar For ready-made products, the manufacturing process mostly adopts the conventional preparation process. The key parts of this experiment are the control of the baking temperature of the large glass, the design of the vertical conduction series of the FTO glass, and the sustainability record of the finished product. Dye-sensitized solar cells are not as efficient as peroviskite solar cells, so the commercial market is relatively smaller, but they are still quite interesting technologies in the field of agrivoltaic and interactive art.